
Regular dental visit


Regular dental visit Early care of children’s teeth means healthy teeth for life. Children- same as adult should be seen by a dentist twice a year to be can detected and corrected problems early. And by establishing a pattern of regular treatment and quick attention to small problems before they expand, we ensure a lifetime […]


Preventive sealant


Preventive sealant There are ‘pits’ (small hollows) and ‘fissures’ (grooves) on the biting surface of the back teeth. It is where food and bacteria tend to remain after meals and they are very hard to clean. Over time, compounded food and bacteria on that area might lead to tooth decay. Impact of sealants in preventing […]




Fillings Whenever there are signs of tooth decay, you need to take your child to the dentists immediately to prevent the decay from worsening and restore the tooth, using the filling treatment. Please protect your child’s milk teeth Maintaining healthy teeth for your child is necessary for the chewing function of the mouth, pronunciation and […]


Pulp treatment


Pulp treatment Pulpitis is not only painful for the child but also destroy your tooth very quickly. It is therefore necessary to have an early and appropriate treatment. Root canal therapy to keep the milk teeth Treatment for pulpitis on milk teeth will have no impact on permanent teeth later on. Otherwise maintaining the milk […]


Milk teeth removal


Milk teeth removal Time to replace milk teeth Maintaining the milk teeth is essential to ensure the development of the jaw. Early tooth development orientation is also important for your child’s oral health. In order for the permanent teeth to grow nicely, the process of replacing milk teeth needs to be carried out at the […]


Early orthodontics


Early orthodontics Orthodontic treatment is simply dental intervention technique used to adjust teeth and jaw with occlusion problems.Early orthodontics begins in the stage when milk teeth are being replaced by permanent teeth at the age of 6-12 years old. Please seriously consider early orthodontics for your child when permanent teeth start to grow or […]
