
Tooth loss is the No 1’s reason causes face and mouth shorter . As a result, the nose will be closer to the chin than normal .Along with the developement in dentistry, full edentulous cases now may have many options to get new teeth like they expected, such as All on 4 and all on 6 technology for edentulous patients.With this technology, patients can reach chewing function by 90 % and achieve aesthetics as they requested . However , if the patients have the limited costs and health condition, then denture will be a reasonable choice .


Dentures, commonly referred to as false teeth, are removable dental prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth.

If you are missing all your teeth in one or both jaws, complete dentures can be made that are supported by your gums.

If you are missing only some of your natural teeth, a partial denture can be made that is supported by your gums and teeth, and even dental implants. Our prosthodontist specialists who had over 15 to 20 years of experiance, which included all steps of making esthetic customized dentures.

How to make dentures? 

We need at least 3 days to process your complete denture procedure :

First of all, we will make impressions of your jaw.

After that, we take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another, how much space is between them and create models, wax forms, in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. We will also “try in” this model several times in your mouth for the color, shape… before the final denture is cast.

Finally, we will cast a final denture base on the final model by our expert dental technician in our Lab-in house. Adjustments will be made if necessary on delivery day or several days later

Maintaining Your Dentures 

To properly maintain your dentures, wash them daily using a denture cleaner, hand soap, or liquid dish soap and cold or warm water. Soak your dentures in water or denture cleaner when they are not in your mouth to prevent them from drying out.

When cleaning a partial denture, it’s a good idea to stand over a folded towel or a sink of water just in case you accidentally drop the denture. Do not use toothpaste since it can be too harsh for cleaning dentures. Brush the denture each day to remove food deposits and plaque. The helps the denture from becoming permanently stained.

Don’t chew, swallow, or gargle with denture cleansers. Always thoroughly rinse the denture before placing it in your mouth.

Remove your dentures at night, as wearing them can cause tissue irritation, fungal infection, and increased bone loss. If your dentures become loose or painful, it is time to see a prosthodontist to evaluate if they need an adjustment, a reline or replacement.

Will Eating With New Dentures Be Difficult? 

Eating with new dentures will take a little practice and may be uncomfortable for some wearers for a few weeks. To get used to the new denture, start with soft foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly using both sides of your mouth. As you get used to new dentures, add other foods until you return to a normal diet. Be cautious with hot or hard foods and sharp-edged bones or shells. And, avoid foods that are extremely sticky or hard. You should also avoid chewing gum while you wear the denture. Also, don’t use toothpicks while wearing dentures.

Are Dentures Worn 24 Hours a Day? 

Your dentist or prosthodontist will instruct you as to how long to wear dentures and when to remove them. During the first several days after receiving your denture, you may be asked to wear it all the time, including while you sleep. Although this may be temporarily uncomfortable, it is the quickest way to identify the areas on the denture that may need adjustment. Once adjustments are made, you should remove dentures before going to bed. This allows gum tissues to rest and allows normal stimulation and cleansing by the tongue and saliva. The denture can be put back in the mouth in the morning.

For more information please contact: 

Building 244A Cong Quynh , Pham Ngu Lao Ward , District 01 , Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 08 39257526 – 08 39257527 – 08 39257528